Animals Are Not Ours to experiment on, eat, wear, use for entertainment or abuse in any other way.
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Trophy tourists and those who make a living selling hunting trips and accessories like to claim that they kill animals in the name of "conservation" or, patronisingly, to support "natives" – but as this just-breaking PETA video shows, hunting has nothing to do with respecting wildlife and everything to do with taking sadistic pleasure in needlessly taking lives.
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All animals are beloved by their mates and offspring, but to hunters, they're only the sum of their body parts, seen simply as living targets to kill, decapitate, and display on the wall. Since 2018, hundreds of endangered species’ parts have been imported into Australia, including “trophies” from monkeys, crocodiles, hippos and caracals.
By allowing hunters to ship macabre “trophies”, UPS is supporting the slaughter of elephants, hippos and other magnificent species.
Please use the form below to urge UPS to ban the shipping of hunting trophies. UPS has banned the transport of not only shark fins and certain live animals but also ivory—and if it can ban an animal's tusks, surely it can ban the head and other body parts, too.
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Thank you for taking a few moments to urge UPS to stop shipping the heads, tails, skins, and other body parts of beautiful animals who were gunned down by trophy hunters. Your support will help end this industry's massacre of wildlife.