Animals are not ours to experiment on, eat, wear, use for entertainment, or abuse in any other way.

Urge the PM to End Live Export

Ever since 40,000 sheep – and one human crew member – died aboard the sunken Farid Fares ship in 1980, compassionate Australians have been demanding an end to the live-animal export trade. In the decades since, 3 million animals have died at sea and tens of millions more have met cruel ends in overseas slaughterhouses. Numerous investigations have documented the egregious cruelty Australian animals are subjected to in this trade, revealing sick sheep and cattle caked with waste aboard crowded, heaving ships bound for Asia or the Middle East. More than one PETA Asia investigation into slaughterhouses in Indonesia – Australia’s leading export destination – has revealed Australian cows’ throats being slit without prior stunning.

Thanks to intrepid investigators, public outrage is at an all-time high and we’re closer than ever to stopping these boats crammed full of terrified animals from leaving our shores. Will you help us in our mission to end live transport?

Not only is it cruel to force hundreds of animals to board huge ships, where they’ll be tossed about on rough seas amid litres of their own excrement before being slaughtered in ways that would be illegal in Australia, live export also exacerbates the risk of yet another zoonotic pandemic. These “floating petri dishes” take the risk of disease posed by factory farming on a world tour. Speaking on Australian national television, the late epidemiologist Mary-Louise McLaws said that live-animal export “can’t be safe” and warned of a “ghastly disease” outbreak.

The live-export trade is also one of the top 40 carbon dioxide emitters in Australia. Cattle and sheep are often transported thousands of kilometres by truck before reaching the ships, while the empty vessels journeying back to Australia to collect their next load of helpless animals create further emissions. In addition, raising cattle and sheep generates large amounts of greenhouse gases. And there’s an ocean of pollution: more than 100,000 litres of urine and faeces accumulate on a typical live-export ship every single day. Dead animals are simply tossed overboard while the ship is underway.

Anthony Albanese’s Labor Party won office with a promise to end the live export of sheep. Shamefully, this has still not happened. We need to let the prime minister know that the end of live export – not only for sheep but for all animals – is long overdue.

Please use this form to write to Prime Minister Albanese urging him to end live export for all animals now.

You may use the provided text, but your message will carry more weight if you write your own customised message and subject line. Personalised letters always work best.

Prime Minister
Parliament of Australia

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