Help a Suffering Animal – Send an Emergency Relief Package

Since the start of the war in Ukraine, animals have been caught in the crossfire and injured, abandoned on the streets, and left to survive on their own without a scrap of food or clean water. Today, PETA-supported teams are on the ground, scouring embattled streets to find frightened dogs, cats, and other animals who are desperate for their help.

Will you support this life-saving work for animals in Ukraine and other areas by rushing an emergency relief package to an animal in need today?

All funds donated through virtual relief packages will go to PETA’s Global Compassion Fund to help animals in Ukraine and elsewhere around the world.


Select the gifts for your relief package below:

$5 Feed one rescued dog for a day.

This item costs $5


$10 Feed two rescued dogs for a day.

This item costs $10


$19 Provide a cat with food for a week.

This item costs $19


$42 Fund vaccinations for an animal.

This item costs $42


$75 Provide one month of basic veterinary care for a rescued animal.

This item costs $75


$163 Fund the transport of an animal so that they can be adopted.

This item costs $163


$208 Help fund bloodwork and vital medication.

This item costs $208


$409 Provide a three-month relief package for an animal.

This item costs $409


Please choose the amount of your choice:

My total relief package:


Subscribe to a monthly aid package today!

Complete Your $[[TOTAL]] [[FREQUENCY]] Donation

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  • FIA Professional Fundraising Organisational Member

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  • Visa
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How Can an Emergency Relief Package Make a Life-Changing Difference for Animals?

PETA-supported teams are helping animals in areas devastated by war, natural disasters, and other tragedies through critical rescue work, deliveries of food and supplies, and other important programmes in regions where animals may have no other hope.

You can build a customised emergency care package with food, medication, and other critical relief to help animals in Ukraine, India, Jordan, Mexico, and other countries.

PETA-supported teams found Victory in an abandoned village in Ukraine. She was so thin that she could barely hold herself up and suffered from severe mange that left her skin painfully raw and inflamed.

Thankfully, Victory was rushed to a PETA-funded clinic in Kharkiv, where she was given intensive, round-the-clock care, and today she’s living up to her name. Now, her coat is thick and shiny and her once-inflamed skin is healthy. This friendly dog is grateful for her new life after all that she’s endured.

Rescuing Animals From Drowning

When a major dam broke in southern Ukraine, PETA-supported teams quickly went to work saving frightened animals who were clinging to rooftops or struggling to reach a patch of dry ground.

Animal Rescue Kharkiv, supported by PETA’s Global Compassion Fund, rushed to the devastated region with food, medical supplies, and boats.

Thanks to the support of generous donors, teams were able to rescue nearly 300 traumatized dogs, cats, chickens, and other animals from the deadly floods.

Please, donate an emergency relief package right now and help deliver lifesaving care to more animals like them.

Credit Card Verification Code (CVV2)

For your protection, we ask that you enter an extra 3-4 digit number called the CVV2. The CVV2 is not your PIN number. It is an extra ID printed on your Visa, MasterCard, Discover, or American Express Card.

Visa, MasterCard & Discover

On the back of the card in the top-right corner of the signature box, as depicted in the image to the right. Enter the three-digit number following the credit card number.

The CVV2 is shown as 3 digits after the credit card number on the back of the card.

American Express

On the front of the card as depicted in the image to the right. Enter the four-digit number on the right directly above the credit card number.

The CVV2 is shown as 4 digits on the front of the card.