PETA Australia

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Spread Compassion for Animals Around the World

PETA and our international affiliates are on call for animals around the world 24 hours a day, but we can't always be there physically when animals are in need. That's why PETA supports a network of effective local animal-protection organisations through our Global Compassion Fund.

From helping life-saving spay/neuter programmes reduce the number of homeless cats and dogs to providing for the construction of a new sanctuary for rescued chimpanzees, PETA's Global Compassion Fund boosts the vital work of effective grassroots organisations that are making a tremendous difference for animals around the world.

Will you help create a kinder world for all animals by donating generously to the Global Compassion Fund today?

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  • Registered Charity
  • FIA Professional Fundraising Organisational Member

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For your protection, we ask that you enter an extra 3-4 digit number called the CVV2. The CVV2 is not your PIN number. It is an extra ID printed on your Visa, MasterCard, Discover, or American Express Card.

Visa, MasterCard & Discover

On the back of the card in the top-right corner of the signature box, as depicted in the image to the right. Enter the three-digit number following the credit card number.

The CVV2 is shown as 3 digits after the credit card number on the back of the card.

American Express

On the front of the card as depicted in the image to the right. Enter the four-digit number on the right directly above the credit card number.

The CVV2 is shown as 4 digits on the front of the card.